Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Planets and Constellations

Nine important planets are considered in Hindu astrology as affecting the terrestrial phenomena. They are

Sun  - Surya or Ravi
Moon  - Soma or Chandra
Mars  - Kuja or Angaraka
Mercury  - Budha or Soumya
Jupifer  - Guru or Brihaspati
Venus - Sukra or Bhargava
Saturn - Sani ot Manda
Serpent's Head - Rabu  or Thama
Serpent's Tail - Ketu or Sikhi 

The twelve  signs of  the zodiac are:

1.  Mesha - Aries - the Ram
2.  Vrishabha - Taurus - the Bull
3. Mithuna - Gemini  - the Twins
4.  Kataka - Cancer - the Crab
5.  Simha - Leo - the Lion
6.  Kanya - Virgo - the Virgin
7. Thula - Libra - the Balance
8.  Vrischika - Scorpio - the Scorpion
9.  Dhanus - Sagittarius - the Centaur
10.  Makara - Capricorn - the Crocodile
11. Kumbha - Aquarius - the Water-bearer
12. Meena - Pisces - the  Fishes  

The zodiac is a circle of light and consequently it knows no beginning or end. In order to measure the distance an astronomical point(end of the constellation of Revati) is established which is called the first point of Aries. The zodiac is marked by 27 constellations or nakshatras. The first point of the Aswini, the first constellation, synchronises with the first point of Aries, which is the starting point of the fixed zodiac. Each nakshatra measures 13° 20' of arc and consists or four quarters or padas of 3° 20' each. Thus 2-1/4 constellations or nine quarters comprise a zodiacal sign. The Rasis (signs) and Nakshatras (constellations) arc both reckoned from the same point, viz; the zero degree of the zodiac or the first point of Mesha (Aries).

The constellations are:

The following quarters of the constellations also called as padas comprise the twelve zodiacal signs.

The table says that four quarters of Aswini (Aswathi), four quarters of Bharani and one quarter of Krittika (Karthika) make up Aries/Mesha/Medam. The remaining three quarters of Krittika four quarters of Rohini and first two quarters of Mrigasira(Makayiram) compose Taurus/Vrishabha/Edavam and so on.