Thursday, June 21, 2007

Veda Gayathri

"ഓം ഭുര്‍ ഭുവസ്വഹ:
തത് സവിതുര്‍ വരേണ്യം
ഭര്‍ഗോ ദേവസ്യ ധീമഹി
ധിയോ യോന പ്രചോദയാത്"

The science of Gayatri Upasana has been developed to help human beings in ridding themselves of base animal instincts and replace them with the divine virtues. Adherence to the laws of this science provides a Sadhak permanent relief from the shackles of unhappiness and misery.

Indian spirituality frequently mentions five-fold classifications - such as the five basic elements of the cosmos (Tatvas); the five sheaths (Koshas) covering the human soul; the five organs each of perception and action in the human body(Gyanendriyas and Karmendriyas), the five life-forces (Prans); the five types of energies operating in human bodies (Agnis); the five types of Yoga etc. The Gayatri Mantra, too is divisible in five parts namely (1) Om (2) Bhurbhuwaha Swaha (3) Tatsaviturvareniyam(4) Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi (5) Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayat. Each of these corresponds to the five primary emanation of the supreme spirit: Ganapathi, Bhawani, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha respectively. The entire super-science of spirituality too is encapsuled in the four Vedas and one Yagya.

The deity for meditation on Gayatri Mantra is 'Savita'. Savita is the cosmic power of God which provides energy to all animate and inanimate systems of the cosmos. In the Sun and other stars, for instance, it works as fission and fusion of atoms.

Gayatri has been referred to by innumerable names. Amongst its significant twenty-four thousand aliases, 24 represent its principal emanations. Twelve of these have been idolized for practical spiritual growth and the remaining twelve for material gains. These are enumerated as:

A) Emanations worshipped for spiritual growth (Adhyatmik pragati)
1) Adyashakti 2) Brahmi 3) Vaishnavi 4) Shambhavi5) Vedamata 6)Devamata 7) Vishwamata 8) Ritambhara9) Mandakini 10) Ajapa 11) Riddhi 12) Siddhi
B) Emanations worshipped for material gains
1) Savitri 2) Saraswati 3) Lakshmi 4) Durga 5)Kundalini 6) Pranagni 7) Bhawani 8) Bhuwaneshwari9) Annapurna 10) Mahamaya 11) Payaswani 12)Tripura

Mother Gayatri is shown as young attractive maiden.The lotus as her seat means the presence of Divinity in an environmentwhich is fragrant, pleasant and blossomingly cheerful.The symbolism of Mother Gayatri sitting on a swan is that the Sadhak should keep discriminative wisdom like a royal swan or Paramhans. It is said about the mythological Rajhans (royal swan) that it has the power to discriminate the good from the bad, to separate milk from water, to pick up only pearls and leave pebbles. It never eats worms and insects. This is an example ofthe soul status of a Param-hansa. Ordinarily swans live on insects, neither consume milk nor dive to the depths of the ocean to find pearls.

Gayatri is Tripada- a Trinity, since being the Primordial Divine Energy, it is the source of three cosmic qualities known as "Satva", "Rajo" and "Tamo" represented in Indian spirituality by the deities "Saraswati" or "Hreem". "Lakshmi" or "Shreem" and "Kali" or "Durga" as "Kleem". Incorporation of "Hreem" in the soul augments positive traits like wisdom, intelligence, discrimination between right and wrong, love, self-discipline and humility. Yogis, spiritual masters, philosophers, devotees and compassionate saints derive their strength from Saraswati. The intellectuals, missionaries, reformists, traders, workers, industrialists, socialists, communists are engaged in management of equitable distribution of Shreem (Lakshmi) for human well-being. Shreem is the source of wealth, prosperity, status, social recognition, sensual enjoyment and resources. "Kleem" (Kali or Durga) is the object of reverence and research by the physical scientists. The plethora of scientific research and development depends on the "Kleem" element of Gayatri. The "Hreem", "Shreem" and "Kleem" elements of Gayatri have eternally existed in the cosmos. The modern western civilisation has particularly devoted itself to the management of "Kleem" (Heat, light, electricity, magnetism, gravity, matter, nuclear energy etc.) and Shreem; whereas the occultists and mystics of East have remained particularly engaged in research of "Hreem". It is evident that the key to lasting global peace har-mony and prosperity lies in integral devotion of Hreem, Shreem and Kleem.

According to Savitri Upnishad, from the eternal omnipotence of God represented by Om, seven streams of divine power, known as Vyahritis, emanate. Three amongst these (Bhur , Bhuwaha and Swaha) form the prefix of Gayatri Mantra. The Vyahritis are also known as the 'Sheersha' (fountainhead) of Gayatri.When Gayatri- the Primordial Power of the Divine, with Its totality of energy systems, interacts with the five basic elements of material universe (Panch Bhautik - Prakriti - Savitri), complex, mysterious reactions are set into motion. Spirituality identifies these five basic elements (of which the entire material universe in its of solid, liquid and gaseous states and physical bodies ofanimate systems are composed) as Prithvi, Jal, Vayu,Tej and Akash. In course of interaction of the cosmic energies with these basic elements subtle sound waves similar to those produced by twenty-four letters of Gayatri Mantra are created.


It is shown in the sketch , which particular letter of Gayatri is related to which part of the body. The details are given in the following chart :-
(Arranged in the order Letter, Gland, Energy )

1 tat ,Tapini, Success
2 sa, Saphalta, Bravery
3 vi, Vishwa, Maintenance
4 tur, Tushti, Wellbeing
5 va, Varda, Yog
6 re, Revati, Love
7 ni, Sookshma, Money
8 yam, Gyana, Brilliance
9 bhar, Bharga, Defence
10 go, Gomati, Intellect
11 de, Devika, Suppression
12 va, Varahi, Devotion
13 sya, Sinhani, Dharna
14 dhee, Dhyan, Pran
15 ma, Maryada, Self-restraint
16 hi, Sfuta, Thap
17 dhi, Medha, Far-sightedness
18 yo, Yogmaya, Jagriti (awakening)
19 yo, Yogini, Production
20 naha, Dharini, Sarasta (sweetness)
21 pra, Prabhava, Ideal
22 cho, Ooshma, Courage
23 da, Drashya, Wisdom
24 yat, Niranjan, Sewa (service)

Gayatri activates the above-mentioned twenty-four divine qualitiesin the devotee. With their growth, varied accomplishments (Siddhis) and prosperity start manifesting in the life of the devotees.

The Gayatri Mantra implies the 4 Maha Vakyas or the 4 core declarations enshrined in the 4 Vedas.

The four Maha Vakyas are:

Consciousness is Brahman (Aitareya Upanishad of the Rg Veda)
I Am Brahman (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad of the Yajur Veda)
That Thou Art (Chandogya Upanishad of the Sama Veda)
This Self is Brahman (Mandukya Upanishad of the Atharva Veda)

The five Faces of Gayatri are:

1. "Om", the Pranava is the 1st Face. The Pranava Principle represents the eight different forms of wealth (Ashta Aiswarya).

2. "Bhur Bhuva Svaha" is the 2nd Face.

3. "Tat Savitur Varenyam" is the 3rd Face.

4. "Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi" is the 4th Face.

5. "Dhi Yo YoNah Prachodayat" is the 5th Face.

All these five aspects of the Gayatri Mantra are within each one of us.

In short, the meaning is

(OM) OM (Dheemahi) We meditate (Bhargo) upon the Spiritual Effulgence (Varenyam Devasya) of THAT Adorable Supreme Divine Reality (Savitur) the Source (Bhur, Bhuva, Svaha) of the Physical, the Astral and the Heavenly Spheres of Existence. (TAT) May THAT Supreme Divine Being (Prachodayat) enlighten (Yo) which (Nah) our (Dhi Yo) intellect (so that we may realise the Supreme Truth).

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